Why choose us

What makes Vector 35 the right choice?

Industry Leading Experience

We have decades of experience in security and a proven track record of applying that expertise to hard problems.

CTF Junkies

We've been playing and making Capture the Flag competitions for a decade.


We have unique experience in the intersection of security and gaming.

Focused on the Future

We are dedicated to our vision of a future where gaming and security competitions have merged.

Our services

We are passionate about security, gaming, and where the two intersect


We have written multiple courses on topics such as assembly programming, reverse engineering, and vulnerability research. Our unique background lends itself toward teaching both security experts and those just starting.

CTF Consulting

With our experience in LiveCTF and four years supporting the HackASat effort, we help in both game design as well as live broadcast experience.

Data Visualization

We've worked hard making CTFs more accessible and are convinced that new visualizations and introspection will make following a professional CTF player as engaging as following a professional gamer.

Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is more than just knowing a particular tool like IDA Pro. It is understanding fundamentally how an application works, sometimes better than even the code's author.

Custom Software

We are capable of finding vulnerabilities across diverse code bases, with or without source code. Whatever your development needs, we have the expertise to do it.

Vulnerability Research

Much of our professional careers have been spent engaged in vulnerability research. We are capable of finding vulnerabilities across diverse code bases, whether via source or compiled.

Who we are

We are happiest solving difficult challenges

We are hackers, reverse engineers, developers, teachers, game-players, problem solvers, and pranksters. We are nerf-collectors and technology junkies who love a cool breeze in the hammock or a quiet hike up a mountain.

We have spent years developing expertise across the range of information security, but we learn the most and always have fun when we play competitive hacking challenges like CTFs. We're convinced that we are not alone, and we formed Vector 35 to prove it.